So, I officially hate pigs. What is your take on the Swine Flu Outbreak that is taking over our media outlets and our minds? My daughter has a weak immune system (as some of you know or don't know we were in the hospital for 3 weeks in Dec.08 and Jan 09, she had a MRSA pneumonia). She gets whatever is out there first. I am really worried that she will contract this virus if it isn't contained. I know that viruses can't be treated by antibiotics, I do know that the Tamiflu is what they are using to fight this and that there is no vaccine yet. What I am interested in is this...
#1 Should I be as worried as I am?
#2 Is the hype justified?
Maybe I just need reassurance from my peers!
I may be totally ignorant, and please correct me if I am, but don't tons of people die of the "flu" every year...and if they are saying to just wash your hands and cough in your sleeve to prevent the spread, then I wouldn't be any more worried than I normally am about me or my kids getting sick. Just take the hand sanitizer with you....I think we will all be fine. Possibly a way to take attention off of the financial crisis, etc.??
See that is what I thought as well, but the hype has gotten me really concerned especially because I know that Elianna has a weak or a low immune system. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't loosing it! I think though that many people die a year from the common flu as well, but we don't create paranoia about that. I am waiting for Grammy A to put her knowledge and know how in here too!
I'm sorry... I was out of town, and didn't see this post.
You guys probably know by now that this wasn't the scary pandemic that the CDC was first making it out to be. Yes, it was pandemic because it was global, and this flu actually had a name "swine or N1H1", but it didn't end up being the "plague" that everyone was projecting.
I think the CDC is good to alert us all, but can't they do it in a way that doesn't freak us all out and cause panic? I guess they'd rather sound the alarm than have a real catastrophe on their hands. You're both right. The flu kills hundreds of people every year, and the best way to avoid it are all the things you've talked about... vaccination (although not all strains are covered), hand washing, sanitizer, avoiding crowds or people who are sick, etc.
Having said all that... Lisa, you had every right to be afraid for Elianna. With her compromised immune system, everyone else's mild case of swine flu could have meant another hospitalization for her!
I always think of food storage at times like this... whether it's a real threat or just panic. I'd rather be prepared with everything I needed if I needed to hunker down in my home and not leave... or if the panic caused stores to be depleted of food, water or other necessities.
I'm just very grateful that this didn't turn out to be the kind of nightmare we all fear!
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