OK here it goes, this a vent about myself.....
so after a long day of not showering, trying to clean my house, taking a nap and then a trip to the grocery store, I was waiting in line at "the
Walmart", as my nephew says, in the pharmacy department to get some allergy medicine... yes I had allergies too that day, and the line was taking for-
ev-er. I was getting super impatient, and started just looking around and getting irritated that only one register was open. Then, it became my turn, YEAH!!, and of course the medicine I needed had to be put in by a pharmacist, of course, anyways, so here I am, ready to scream..... and then the lady next to me says " excuse me, you have the best complexion". I think I said thank you, but I was TOO in shock to even blink.... I convinced myself she had to be joking... I mean here I am having a normal day with no makeup and hair slapped in a pony( a very small one) and she had the nerve to compliment me... yeah right....
So here's my vent:
why couldn't I have just taken the compliment and honestly say "thanks!!" and then possibly say something nice back? Why did I get defensive and convince myself she was insane?