I thrive on routine. I was wondering what
everyone's cleaning, errand, life schedules and routines were. We used to do a big clean every
saturday and then just keep the house picked up the rest of the week and do dishes and laundry as needed. When Kendall was born and I became an official stay at home mom I would deep clean one section of the house each day- laundry
monday, dust on
tuesday, bathrooms on wed. etc.- and still try to keep things picked up. I've fallen off the deep clean each week bandwagon lately and want to get back on in a way that meshes well with taking care of two kids.

So what are your schedules like? Does anyone do the
fly lady route? Any tips or suggestions?
I wish I had some good advice. We are in desperate need of a routine, but it's been hard since the move.
I have to pick up and do dishes everyday. My laundry doesn't get done until we nothing to wear. At that point, I decide, enough is enough and do it.
A routine is a fantastic idea. I just have a very hard time committing to it. I like the idea of having something get done everyday like you said Kirst. If you stuck with that, then it would be easier to maintain everything. I've thought about doing that too but just haven't gotten to it.
I am constantly cleaning though. There's just no way to get around that. I love my house when it's clean and the chores are done. I can truly relax and enjoy myself.
What's dusting?
i've never heard of the fly ladies but i like the idea. when it comes to cleaning i'm a monica. (please tell me someone still watches friends) I can't think if i'm in a dirty house but I'm trying to get better since kids destroy the cleanness in about 30 secs. I generally have one day where i do one floor. I have three floors so it will take me 3-4 days to get it all done but when it is done it feels so good.
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