I wish I had a scanner so I could include some of the super fantastic pictures I've got of you in my possession but I don't so you're off the hook. For now! I hope you have the best day ever today and that the world in general spoils you rotten. Have a fabulous 28th and know that people all over the country are wishing you the best. I wish we lived closer, I'd bake you some cookies or babysit your kids or something for you. I don't, though, so this birthday wish will have to do.
I think you're great and I'm glad that 18+ years ago your family baked mine a pie. Have a great birthday.
Happy birthday sister, I hope you got my card. Have a great day, I would babysit too if I lived in Texas.
Thanks, Kirsten! I'm probably glad that you don't have a scanner. Although, now when I look back at pictures that at one time looked so hideous to me, all of the sudden they don't look so bad. It's amazing how age and multiple pregnancies can have that affect on me. Having gained some perspective (among other things), I'm realizing what I once had and becoming jealous of my younger self!
Growing up, I always liked that we were the same age for eight days. But I'm sorry that you're not a pie person, though. My mom's pies are REALLY good. You totally missed out that day 18 years ago.
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