With a new baby that wants to be held all the time, it can be hard to get anything done. Kirsten let me borrow her
Moby Wrap and it is a life saver. Today I carried Charlotte around in it at the grocery store and at home while I made dinner. She falls right to sleep in it and I have two free hands to work with. It is also way more comfortable than other baby carriers I have tried. There are tons of different ways to wrap your child depending on their age. The website even shows how to wrap up twins Stephanie. Anyway, just thought I'd share for those who may need to free up their hands.

I'm glad you like it Katy!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the moby wrap. (And it's yours to keep Katy, we're not having any more kids) I cannot recommend it enough. It's more comfortable than anything else and way cheaper too. I got mine at babycenter before Gage was born and it was only like 35 dollars. I don't think I ever wore it out without getting comments and I wore it out a lot. It distributes all the baby's weight over all your shoulders and back and I could wear Gage for hours without my body getting tired or sore.
When Gage got older and I went out with both kids but didn't want either one wandering off I'd push Kendall in the stroller and put Gage on my back with the moby wrap. You can find videos on youtube that show you exactly how to use it in different ways, even for nursing. It took a couple of times before I could get it on just right but after that it was a snap. Baby wearing is so good for babies and the moby wrap is the best I have ever used. The moby wrap website has lots of great info.
Here's the picture of the twin hold. http://www.mobywrap.com/t-instructions-TwinHug.aspx
It's a must have- baby and mama will both love it.
I wish I had had this when I had my babies. I used the baby bjorn which was okay, but I didn't love it and I also got a sling from my sister, but I could not wear it comfortably so I gave it away. I will also say that when I had my first baby they did not carry ANY cute maternity clothes and now they carry them everywhere. I hate those old pictures of myself wearing those tent-like shirts. Blah! You all are so lucky that stores have cute cheap stuff now!
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