So what is everyone going to do for Valentine's Day this year? Anything special? I think I spent too many years telling myself that Valentine's Day was dumb and a fake holiday (to comfort myself over the lack of any attention I received on Valentine's Day) that even now that I'm married I just don't really care about it. I don't want a present and I don't care if we don't go out. I'd like a card or love letter and for Dave to be extra sweet but that's about it.
On Saturday morning we have a primary V-day activity we have to go to, we're valiant 11 teachers, and then we'll have a small family party/dinner together that night. I got some festive paper plates and decorations, more for Kendall's benefit than anything else. We'll make treats for neighbors to show them how much we love them and we're going to make a chocolate dessert for us. At home and low key which is right up my alley. Gage and I both have birthdays about a week later, I'll leave the real celebrating for then.
I am going to heart attack my kids' rooms with little colored paper hearts that have sayings on them like 'U R Smart', etc., I am also going to try and either go out really early and get these awesome apple and raspberry turnovers and pretzel bites from the BEST soft pretzel place in the world (besides Switzerland) for breakfast. If I don't get up early enough I will probably make heart shaped waffles (thank you for the waffle iron, April) and strawberry syrup instead or crepes with strawberries. Later I think I will make chocolate covered strawberries for just me and Collin. I tried also to get our favorite root beer (Virgil's), but the store was all out. I think I will present him with a binder with all the letters we have written to each other over the years from when we first starting dating and when we were engaged up until now. Tomorrow night we are going out with another family to a hibachi place, not especially romantic with another couple and a total of 5 kids, but still fun. I am not expecting much from my husband because he likes to do things pretty low key, so anything he does will be a great surprise.
What a good idea to heart-atack their rooms. Kendall would love that! Gage would too even if he was clueless what it was about. I'm so copying you, thanks for the idea. You're so creative.
The heart attack is a great idea. Do you surprise them with it? And I especially love the idea of a letter binder. Aaron and I have SO many letters that date back to when we were 16. I save ever letter/love note. I don't think I'll have enough time for that so maybe next year.
Tonight we are going out to dinner but it'll be something low key. I'm still so excited though. My mom is watching the babies and Sevrie and Coral are going to My Gym for 3 hours.
Tomorrow is nothing special. I got my girls little somethings and I think I'll make some heart shaped pancakes with raspberry or strawberrry syrup. My dad and family will be visiting during the evening so we won't do anything romantic.
Everyday is suppose to be Valentines Day, right? NOT!
Yes, it will be a surprise. I will sneak in in the middle of the night and do it. Collin usurped my waffle idea without me even saying anything, but I did make a chocolate covered strawberry for each of the kids and I put their initial in sprinkles on them. I will take a picture and post it later. You are very welcome to copy my idea. You know, I have very few memories of the holidays being made special so I want to do it for my kids. It doesn't always have to be about buying stuff, the stuff I did this year was mostly free. Collin made me a really sweet card and got me a pedicure (my favorite, but seldom indulged indulgence). Steph, your evening sounds like heaven. We couldn't swing a babysitter this year so we went to the gym and worked out together today and then went out for breakfast while the kids were in school. That was our "romantic" date, but hey you have to do what you can to to keep the flames alive.
He LOVED the note/letter binder. I make a little tag that says "Gooey Gooey Lovey Goo" on the cover.
My husband and I went to the symphony last night for Valentine's. My kids are still within that oblivious age (they're 3, 2, and 1), so I haven't done anything for them this year. Maybe next year. I think that should disqualify me from the "super" mommy category, but I'm just a realist. Or maybe I'm just worn out. Maybe a mix of the two...
I took flowers to our uncles grave and our friend Lora whom just passed away on the 4th. I made construction hearts and stuck them on the wall. I bought myself a 10 dollar bouquet of flowers at Walmart and then bought a box of heart chocolates for Mario. I bought a little five dollar bear that says be mine for Elianna. Then we went to dinner with our friends Debbie and George, along with our friend that just lost his wife and 4 month old fetus on the 4th. I wanted to invite him and pay for it, he has been through too much this week. It went well, we laughed and talked it was a very memorable valentines day.
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