My question: What movies from your past do you love because it brings back exciting/happy/positive feelings? Maybe it was just the soundtrack you loved. Tell why please.

My guilty pleasure is Moulin Rouge. I saw it at the dollar theater in Provo when I still lived there. I heard from some women that it was good. I went with my girlfriend, Meghan. At first we didn't get it, it was too in your face. A day later we both kept talking about it and then we went and saw it again. The weirdness made it unique (ie. Napoleon Dynamite). I admit it is not for every taste. Anyway, we burned the soundtrack and then became huge fans of the music, movie and actors (especially Ewan McGregor). When I think of that time, it was a fun, young, kid free, mortgage free, poor married student time in my life. :0)
I know it is totally un-PC and so inappropriate in so many ways, but I love 16 Candles. Many of you are probably too young to remember it, but I had a sister who was 5 years older than I was and so I saw many 80's movies that were not age appropriate. Jake Ryan still makes me smile and apparently (according to a People where are they now hunks of the 80's article) he is a carpenter who lives in Pennsylvania. Maybe I will run into him someday when I need some carpentry done. At the time he filmed the movie he was a 26 year old playing the part of a 17 year old, kind of gross. So pretty much his is old enough to be my dad.
Moulin Rouge is one of my favorites too! I giggle till this day ...even just thinking about it. I also was a fan of 16 Candles and I'm probably the youngest on this blog... for me I keep going to the movies with amazing soundtracks... Meet Joe Black, Shawshank Redemption, August Rush, Finding Neverland, Big Fish, Once, Batman Begins and Dark Night, Across the Universe and K-PAX has a little special place in my heart cause one of the songs on the soundtrack was my first dance solo. The ones with great music always get to me and bring me that much closer to obsession.
I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one that LOVES LOVES LOVES Moulin Rouge. It is on my top 3 favorite movies of all time list. Definitely different, but I also live Baz Luhrmann's other movies- Strictly Ballroom and Romeo and Juliet. Something unique is just fun sometimes. Meet Joe Black is another one I love, along with Under the Tuscan Sun, Chocolat, Count of Monte Cristo, First Night, Bandits, and Becoming Jane.
I love love love Moulin Rouge, now I don't feel as bad as I did for loving it. I watched it when Mario and I first started dating like 5 times over and over. He didn't get it but I absolutely loved it and downloaded the tunes to my ipod and rock out to it at work. I love The Notebook, Ever After, I am Sam, Romeo and Juliet. The Sound of Music, I can watch this over and over again, I know all the songs by heart. Our family was quiet musical we always were singing and such, I hope to do the same with my family. Singing cleanses the soul!
Pride and Prejudice. The 5 hour long version with Colin Firth. I don't ever sit down and watch the whole thing straight through, but I love to have it on when I am cleaning or doing crafts etc. It's so good!
The Wedding Singer and Black Sheep are by far my favorites. I love Chris Farley! He and David Spade make me laugh, laugh, laugh. Aaron and I love watching both movies together. We just think they're SO funny. I love comedies.
Another funny one is Office Space.
Katy, have you read Austenland by Shannon Hale? It's so cute- you'd love it. The main character is in love with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. It's a funny, quick read. All her books are great.
Okay... I am the OLDEST one on the blog, and I LOVED 16 Candles! I was only 30 years old when it came out, so since I was actually pretty close to Jake's age, I don't feel so bad for having a crush on him at the time! I LOVED it when he and Molly Ringwald finally kissed!
I also LOVE the movie Across the Universe, Julie! Like most Baby Boomers, I love the Beatles, and I thought the cast did an AMAZING job! I Am Sam also has a great Beatles soundtrack!
One of my favorite movies is Raising Arizona, because I laughed so hard my face hurt! However, even though I loved that movie... I am a die-hard romantic. Love stories or romantic comedies are still my all-time favorites.
My Best Friend's Wedding (great soundtrack)
Romeo and Juliet (the 1969 version)
An Affair to Remember
Gone with the Wind
Anything Jane Austen... Just to name a few!
What a great post! I have had so many memories just reading through these titles. Sixteen Candles (given to me by my high school boyfriend) is one of my favorites. And I am dying April, that you even know that movie. Even though I am younger I have a lot of older siblings and so I am a big fan of 80's movies--Strange Brew, Breakfast Club, Liscense to Drive, Better of Dead, Say Anything. Did you know that Sixteen Candles is just PG too. I have the VHS to prove it. I too went and saw Moulin Rouge at the dollar theater too. with a college boyfriend--maybe not the best memories.
But my all time favorite movie is Meet Joe Black--so glad you all have good taste. I love this movie for so many reasons. The plot is fascinating--death experiencing all the joys and pitfalls of life. The family dynamics, the way they the dad treats and interacts with his daughters. The dad telling his daughter what love is. The dad reminiscing about his wife. Death falling in love and experiencing love. The unbelievable party at the end. I love it all, not to mention Brad Pitt did an amazing job. I guess I love it because it captures so well so many of my favorite emotions and brings to mind so many of my own lifes memories.
Dirty Dancing brings back great memories for me. Ah, good times. And every time they come out with a new, deluxe, anniversary, super nifty, collector's edition DVD, I'm SO tempted to buy another copy. I don't feel that way about other new additions of movies I love. Dirty Dancing seduces me! But I've refrained so far.
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