So, I wanted your opinion on this item. I recently purchased this Backpack/Harness, but lets be honest, it is really a leash. I got it because when I set Elianna down to grab something in the truck she takes off and I would be mortified if she ran out into the street or road. I also bought it because, we are taking our family vacation at the end of September to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. This would be perfect, I can keep her in range and not be totally stressed trying to keep her right next to me at all times. This would let her get tired too, sitting in the stroller doesn't have the same effect. She isn't physically doing anything. She is a busy body. This would allow her to roam but safely. What do you think about it? Am I seriously sick minded?
I think kid harnesses have a way bad rap. I think they're great. Yes they restrain the child but that's the point. And a stroller does the same thing but no one freaks out about that. A harness allows a child to walk and feel like they've got more freedom and relieves the stress from the parents that their child might run off. I used one with Kendall at the airport when I was fliying with both kids by myself and I honestly don't know what I would have done without it.
I don't understand what people get all riled up about. People get into debates as heated as breastfeeding and circumcision when it comes to child harnesses.
Love it, love it, love it! I bought 3 of the same monkey harness from the Walmart two years ago. One for my older son and two for the sons of my friend. We took them to the Zoo in Texas and everyone thought it was so cute that they had monkeys on and they were at the zoo. Anyway, the fact it that once you have your own arms full you need another one to hold on to your kid, that's where the harness comes in. I've done the airport thing with the harness (great)especially when you have a second child that is so small it has to be held and the older one is not yet smart enough to walk by the cart/stroller. I know SNL did a skit with Mike Meyers and he was hyper active kid with a helmet and a harness and he would tell everyone that he couldn't have candy because it would make him hyper. His harness was tied to the jungle gym at the park and when he got candy he got so hyper he ripped the jungle gym down and ran away with it dragging behind him. This could have given people the idea that only "special kids" wear them. I don't know. Maybe the people who judge us with the harness have never been in the same spot in life.
P.S. I love the fact the tail comes off and it is a cute little backpack.
I am in agreement with Amber and Kirsten. We used child leashes when we lived in Spain for a semester with Aidan and Emma. I can honestly say that the harness saved Aidan's life. We were walking down a narrow cobbled street and a car came zooming down it. There was no sidewalk to jump onto. Aidan had a leash attached to his belt. Collin only had enough time to yank on the leash as the car drove really fast right over the spot where Aidan had been walking. Aidan did a somersault in the air and was a little shocked, but having the leash really did save his life when he was about 2 1/2. All my children are too old for them now, but I really do think they are a good idea for crowded public places like zoos, airports, amusement park and the like for toddlers. Don't feel guilty about using one, anything that keeps your child safe and gives you peace of mind is a good idea.
Ditto to everyone. I felt pretty self-conscious about using one on my 2 year old son when we moved to Switzerland, but I got over it fast. Any moron can see that a mother of three small children needs all the help she can get while running through the airport and hopping on and off trains, but I still readied myself for the inevitable rude comment from someone, but it never came. Protecting our kids shouldn't embarrass us. It's just unfortunate that the thing resembles a leash that you would use on an animal, but hey, kids can be animals, can't they?
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