Monday, November 24, 2008

Twilight Reviews

So ladies, it is here! What did you think about Twilight? IF you didn't see it you DON'T READ THIS PLEASE!


Mical said...

Overall I thought it was okay. I was a bit disappointed only because it wasn't exactly like the book, but really, how can it be? I realize they had to do certain things for times sake. I do think that Edwards character was PERFECT! Bella kind of bugged me at times.

Did anyone else hear they are making the next movie with books 2 and 3 combined?

Kirsten said...

I really liked it and really didn't like it at the same time. :) It was a fun night. I actually think it was more true to the book than any other book-to-movie movie I've ever seen. They did have to take parts out and change some things around but I was surprised by how much straight from the book, word for word dialougue there was in it. It also would have been more fun if THE MOST ANNOYING GIRL in the world wasn't sitting by us. My word she must have screamed, sighed, and clapped a million times. Loudly.

But it was fun and worth my time and money. And it was great to get out and go on a date with Dave.

Robyn said...

I thought it was a really terrible movie. And I loved it! It was campy, low budget, poorly scripted and directed, funny when it was serious, and badly scored. LOVED it. I was expecting the movie to be terrible and I would hate it, but I never imagined that it would meet my low expectations and I would love it, not in spite of those failings, but for them. I couldn't not smile through the whole film.

I thought Edward was great, aside from the venom--sucking moment, which was inappropriately hilarious. I liked his sparkly skin. I thought it was tasteful. His American accent wasn't too bad at all. And he lit up the screen with is beauty; he looked great.

I thought Bella was good, aside from some overly twitchy moments, going cross-eyed when the venom was being sucked out of her, and her pouty hysteria in the hospital bed at the end. I thought her hair and make-up were good, so that she didn't look trashy like she normally does, except for the moment when they're racing away from the baseball scene, and the trashy hair sneaks right back in.

I didn't like Carlisle. I had the feeling he didn't know the difference between charming and flamboyant. In my mind, the line is not so fine.

I absolutely LOVED Jasper. He made me laugh in every scene he was in. The look on his face made me think he was afraid someone would bite HIM, not the other way around. It cracked me up seeing how uncomfortable he always appeared. I always imagined Jasper looking fierce, not terrified. But fierce is not nearly as funny.

Alice's hair wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I loved her voice. She was perfect.

Rosalie was a huge disappointment. I thought her acting was spot on, but she's just plain ugly. She doesn't look good as a blond and her butt is entirely too big. How hard would it have been to find a snotty, gorgeous, blond actress? Don't 85% of actresses fit this description? Why her?

Emmett was a nice surprise. I thought he'd be lame because of his line in the first teaser, "She's not one of us," which was poorly delivered. Luckily, that didn't make the final cut. Every line he delivered was appropriately funny (all two of them). He was great. I loved him.

I wish they would have spent more money on the music score. There were so many times where the music punctuated the wrong emotion at the wrong time. I'm probably overly sensitive to scores, but it could have been so much better. And the lone out-of-tune violinist? Come on! It's a union rate! Get a better violinist for the same price, for pete's sake, or at least one who could play in tune!

This is strange to say, but I thought there were too many lines from the book, and it followed the book SO closely, that when it deviated, it was distracting. I think they could have taken more liberties (I can't believe I'm saying that). And why did they have to do the meadow scene the way they did? I didn't see the point in changing THAT.

The kissing scene rocked my world. I REALLY liked the "hold very still" stuff. So funny. So Edward.

I thought the humans were SO funny. I especially loved Jessica. She made the most out of every interaction she had. She was probably the character that pleasantly surprised me the most. I also really liked Mike and Eric.

Oh, and how have I not mentioned Jacob? I love the actor playing Jacob. I think he did a fine job, but I'll be surprised if they keep him for New Moon. I'll be sad if they don't, but he's just not big enough. He's still a little boy. An adorable little boy.

The Gomes Family said...

I too think that it was a campy, low budget film that followed to closely to the book (we complain when it does and doesn't huh)? I really liked the shots of the Washington forests and waterfalls, it was gorgeous. I thought that the music was nice but thought there were a lot of silent moments. I smirked or smiled the whole time (like Robyn) while listening to 70 or so gasping teens around me. I loved the first kissing scene and wished there were more than two! "I loved the I want to try something, stay still".

I liked Jasper, he was silent and his looks were those of someone who was scared rather than someone who was scary. His contacts tripped me out.
I loved Rosalie her acting was on and she was obnoxious and jealous and had too much makeup on. I didn't think she was as perfect or divine as the book described. She did have a "j lo" booty like Robyn said, hers is so noticable, and I don't think she was described as being curvascious? I think I know the shot Robyn is refering to in the garage when she is thrown Bella's clothes to wear and she was wearing white skin tight pants.

Emmett was awesome and built and gorgeous. I wish he said more funny things like the book.

Alice rocked, I wish that her character was more prominent like the book. The connection that Alice and Edward has wasn't portrayed in the film.

Jacob was okay, I didn't like his extensions. I hope Taylor likes protein because that is what he will need to eat to get bulky like his New Moon Character if they choose to cast him again.

Bella was obnoxious on the hospital bed, I would have smacked her and knocked her out just to shut her up.
Mike and Jessica were funny, Jessica was the "frenemy" as described.
I thought the gun cleaning part was cheesy, "click, send him in".

All in all, I was pleased that it met my low expectations. I can't wait for the DVD and New Moon!

knitaholic310 said...

I'm seeing it tonight with some friends, not Collin, he wouldn't be caught dead at a teen romance. I don't blame him. I have low expectations, but everyone I know really liked it. My teen friend Emily said it was funny throughout, even when it wasn't supposed to be. I know several women who saw it at midnight when it first came out and then saw it again a couple days later. Is the movie really worth obsessing about? Is it that good? Our Enrichment meeting on Saturday was monopolized by Twilight conversation.

knitaholic310 said...

I didn't love it, but I didn't expect to. I could really have done without the Spidermonkey/monkey lines. They were totally out of place and lame. I guess overall it was a cheesy teen movie with cheesy teen lines and acting. My favorite character was Bella's dad of all people. I thought he was the best actor in the entire film. I didn't like Carlisle. I didn't like Rosalie at ALL in any way. She wasn't mean enough/cold/aloof/beautiful enough. Jasper was a joke. I really thought Alice was spot on though. As for Edward, I thought he did ok, but I didn't feel my heart melt like butter on a hot griddle (my friend Amy Jo's description of how she felt when she first saw him onscreen). I thought Bella acted like the character in the book (weak and annoying). I mostly felt like the vampires weren't frightening/imposing enough. They didn't have that presence that they had in the books. I also hated the flashbacks of the Cullens and Edward and Carlisle! They were SO poorly done. I guess I would give the movie one fang up and one fang down. Everyone else I went with LOVED it and had seen it already. I wish I hadn't read Robyn's comments about the music before I saw it, I totally noticed the bad score and I am not even that musical. Jacob's wig was terrible, he looked bad with long hair. I thought his acting was good though.