You see this sweet baby of mine (THanks Katy for the cute pics you took), Well...we have a serious problem & I could use your suggestions/experience. I don't know what is wrong with this little guy but he is definately not happy. He has bright green poop & long fussy periods where I can't even set him down or he just cries. Yesterday it lasted from 11:30 am - 9:00pm. This isn't the cry of hold me, it's the cry of I'm in pain & he is all squirmy. I'm nursing this little guy & I've stopped dairy, and chocolate which says a lot for me! It's been over a week and still no improvement. Not to mention he has bright green watery poop? Okay not good & when the dr. office said to give him peppermint tea?? That doesn't solve the problem... I'm making an appointment tomorrow for the dr. to check him out. Let me know what you think or suggest?
Do you nurse? If you do and his poop is green it might mean he is getting too much foremilk, the milk that comes out first, and not enough hindmilk, the thicker milk that comes out last. Foremilk is watery and digests very quickly sometimes leaving the baby gassy and hungry sooner.
I had to pump for a month with my first baby and when I switched to the breast her poop turned greenish. I started nursing on one side only to ensure she completely emptied the breast and recieved all the hindmilk. Her poop went back to normal and she didn't need to eat quite as often.
BEAUTIFUL baby by the way! Good luck! If you don't nurse then I have no idea, sorry!
He's a gorgeous baby!
I was going to say that my newborn's poop was green for a while until both of us adjusted to each other (how much milk to produce and how much to eat). But Kirsten's explanation is like super pro.
But the fussing sounds annoying. If it's gas, that just needs to be fixed, and if you've tried everything and it's not working, the doctor might help. My first baby was the fussy type, although I didn't know it because she was my first and I thought it was typical. The only thing that would calm her down was to strap her in her carseat and swing her really high. It was a lot of work on our part because we had to do it all the time, but she was our only child, so we had that luxury. If my baby fusses now, I swaddle her tightly and put her to bed because fatigue is usually the issue. But she's not the fussy type, so when she fusses, it actually means something.
How is he when you are trying to feed him? My little guy would cry and I thought the same thing so I stopped dairy and chocolate. It ended up not being any allergy to my milk, but reflux. I would definatley see your doctor.
Thanks for all your help! I actually found research on Kirsten's solution and have been trying that (btw: I do nurse) today & he was a happy baby all the way until 5:00pm. I hope feeding all the way on one side will work & I'm also going to ask the dr. about reflux. I feel so much better having heard all your feed back, and seeing that I'm not the only one with baby problems.
Thanks for this blog, I've been researching the same problem and this is the second suggestion I've see on the foremilk being the issue. Hope your little guy is well!
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