This is what happens when you decide to play midget, a game I have told my kids over and over again is offensive to little people. I think Ian at least learned his lesson. He was on a bench in the kitchen and tucked his arms and legs in his sweatshirt and then tried to walk off the bench. He fell off and hit his head on the tile floor and a goose egg popped up. I hope it is not a sign of my neglect that this is the second time he has had a hematoma within two years. Later as I was icing his head as he lay on the couch, he said, "I cracked my head open like an egg!"
Poor Ian!! It doesn't even look real, I hope it doesn't hurt too bad and goes away quickly. That's one nice thing about having a scaredy cat for a child, they don't get hurt often. Gage will be trouble though.
That is so HUGE! And so sad. Poor guy. Tell him we hope he gets better soon.
Yikes! That doesn't look good. I hope he feels better.
Poor poor Ian!!!!! That looks SO painful. Kiss it for all of us, actually, that might hurt. Give him a big hug for us.
I've seen that picture many times, but I NEVER get used to it! It continues to freak me out every time I look at it! It absolutely does not look humanly possible. It looks like a Hollywood make-up artist was having fun with Ian!
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