So, this is what has kept me busy the last couple months or so. I planned and put together a primary activity for my ward. I actually am not that creative and totally took this idea from this really great website, http://www.sugardoodle.net/. This website is an excellent resource for all the church auxillaries. You should check it out!
So the theme was B.O.O.T. Camp, meaning, Building Our Own Testimonies. The kids had such a fun time making there way through the obstacle course full of physical as well as spiritual obstacles, doing three legged races, making cards to send to those in our ward who are serving in our military and learning to march to fun "primary chants."
We had a bandana for each of the kids. This is Cole wearing his. Don't you love the barf/slobber covered shirt?
This is Maddi running the three legged races with a girl much older. She was almost drug the whole way. :)
My friend Alison lead the Primary in how to salute and march to fun chants. We even had a couple roudy ones that we had drop and give us "5." (We really had a good time with this theme!)
Ryan here is helping Caden on the pogo stick in the obstacle course.
Fun, but glad it's over!
***Okay, so I totally thought I was posting on my family blog...oops!! I hit "view blog" after I published and was suprised to see "Supermommies" staring back at me. That was a first! Sorry to those who don't know me, and probably wouldn't really care about this. :)***
No way, I'm glad you posted it!! What a great idea that was and I bet the kids had a blast.
Cute pictures too. I like the barf/slobber shirt. Only for us my shirt usually looks as bad. My kids constantly use MY clothes as a napkin for whatever substance happens to be oozing out or off of them at the moment.
Sounds like a fun activity. Well done!
love the idea. i will pass it on. thanks
I thought that was really cool! You should post this kind of stuff more.
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