F.Y.I.- The email and story about E.L.F. make-up getting bought by Nordstrom has been like a three year old urban myth. I had some friends post it like a year ago on their blogs with the same story. Here is what she said:
Alexis said...
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I got this e-mail a long time ago and they really aren't going into Nordstrom, everything always is $1, but I like their lip gloss & eye liner. their mascara isn't that good. So partially true, still pretty good stuff, at least the few things that I have tried.
Hey! I just wanted to let you know that I got this e-mail a long time ago and they really aren't going into Nordstrom, everything always is $1, but I like their lip gloss & eye liner. their mascara isn't that good. So partially true, still pretty good stuff, at least the few things that I have tried.

For you other make-up lovers today is M.A.C. Friends and Family. You get 15% of everything (which is great because nothing is ever on sale) and free shipping. The checkout code is MACFF8. If you love their brushes this is the time to get them!
oh, shoot! Well, thanks for the heads up. I may end up getting what I paid for! :(
Ooh I love mac. I just canceled my ELF order. I'm going to get some mac stuff this time.
I'm going to go in to the mall on thursday after I get my hair done so I can see what looks good with my new look.
Sorry for the mis-information ladies. I guess I didn't check my sources. But hey, cheap makeup is cheap makeup. Thanks for the heads up.
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