The Twi-hards at church are getting ready for the big release of the last Twilight book. I found this magazine photo and I thought you ladies might want to comment on it. I think that it looks like Edward ate a cherry Otter-pop before the photo shoot. And what about the chest hair?

Here is the lastest movie trailer too.
Yeah I hate that cover, I don't think it was done well at all. He looks like he thinks it's stupid and she looks bored. I'm really excited about the book coming out, the movie not so much. My expectations for the movie are very low. I'm sure I'll see it anyway, though, and maybe it'll be better than I expect and I'll like it.
But WAY excited about the book. I'm rereading the other three now.
I'm so glad you initiated this discussion, Amber! I pretend to be less of a fan than I am, so even though I want to post everyday about Twilight, I have to hold myself back, so no one will assume that's all I think about (when it really is).
I think the picture is trashy, just like a harlequin novel cover from the drug store. That's all I have to say about that. Trashy.
Like Kirsten, I'm way excited about the next book, and I'm reading all the books again right now, and enjoying New Moon for the first time. I love Jacob! I loved him before, but I couldn't fully appreciate him when I read New Moon the first time, because I was too anxious about when Edward would return. I just read 200 pages yesterday without even knowing it, and it seems these books are the only things I read while I exercise (on my stationary bike) that don't cause me to check the clock every three minutes to see if I'm done yet.
I have no hope at all that the movie is going to be anything less than a teeny-bopper film. I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm right, then I won't be disappointed when I see it (which, of course, I'm going to do). I think the second teaser trailer is better than the first.
Oh my gosh! I haven't seen that cover yet! I laughed out loud. It's totally cheesy! That sucks, but oh well. I'm with you guys on the movie. Don't expect anything and who knows if we aren't pleasantly surprised? I'm pretty geeked out for book 4 too. I am also re-reading the first 3. What the heck is is about these books that makes us love them so much?
I think the fact that there is no "F" word or "B" word every other paragraph is appealing. I love that indeed. I too a Twilight fanatic and am obsessed with all of the 3 current books and I have re-read them all, thanks Robyn! I also think the cover is trashy. I am looking forward to the movie and the 4th book. I think they will be fantastic. Even if the movie does appeal to the teeny bopper anything that makes me feel less old! I hope they hold true with the language as well no swear words, they are so unnecessary.
I agree Robyn ,I love the second teaser more so than the first.
I'm reading the books again too. Yesterday I wasn't feeling so hot so I pretty much didn't get off the couch all day, which means I read close to 400 pages of New Moon. I do appreciate Jacob more the second time around, but I still prefer Edward.
I just can't get into the Harry Potter guy as Edward. I read that article in Entertainment Weekly and the interview with Stephenie Meyer was fun.
So I am reading Eclipse in Spanish because we just went to Spain and I was trying to improve my Spanish. It is completely different. Or else Stephanie Meyer's writing translates into super cheesiness en EspaƱol. There is more cheek caressing and eye rolling in that third book than I noticed in English. Anyway, I decided that I am totally for Jacob and I know that that goes against practically everyone in the world, but I don't care because I now think that Edward is totally controlling and doesn't let Bella make her own decisions in a lot of things. Also, I really do think that if I hadn't married Collin I would have married an ethnic guy, so Jacob is more attractive physically, please is anyone really going to pick see through pale skin over a tan?
I agree that the cover is totally Harlequin romancesque. I think she looks good though. I think the chest hair is totally out of place since Edward is supposed to look like a marble statue. That guy could only look worse if he was actually dead. However, the guy who plays Jacob would be totally cute if he didn't have that long wig on.
The movie will be a disappointment, but I will of course see it, probably with the same young women from my ward that I am camping out with to buy the fourth book. I think the movie is geared more toward the MTV watching teenagers than the lovesick LDS homemakers for sure. I actually read that article from Entertainment weekly and it was mostly about Stephanie Meyer and how she got started writing. She is really good friends with Shannon Hale who writes YA fiction as well. A good book from her, if you are a Jane Austen fan and subsequently a Collin Firth as Mr. Darcy fan, is Austenland. I recommend it, it is found in the regular fiction, not YA fiction section.
Also, if anyone liked the Host, I think they would like the Scott Westerfield series that includes: Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Extras. I really liked them.
First of all, Tara you're crazy for trying to read Twilight in Spanish!!!!
I agree with you all on the cover. He just isn't the sexy Edward I pictured, not to mention not liking the funky hairdo. I def. think she's the perfect character for Bella though. It's funny how I think the other male casts are way cuter/sexier then Edward. But in the book, that was a way different story. I was totally in love with Eddie. I'm hoping once I see the movie, my feelings toward Harry Potter dude will change.
I kinda had a thing for Jason too, but I haven't seen what his character looks like. Hopefully I don't like him better then H.P. because then that changes everything.
I'm just going to stop complaining and wait for the movie. It looks good to me so I'm excited to see it. Plus, I don't get to the movies much so this will give me an excuse.
Tara, I can understand your Jacob sympathies, but I can't accept them for myself. If there weren't any mythical considerations, I think Jacob would be a great option for Bella, but the fact that he might one day imprint on someone who isn't Bella, and the fact that he won't grow old at the same rate she will make me side with Edward (other than Edward's a total hunk). Plus, we're talking about eternity with Edward. I always see the Mormonism coming out over this idea. Do you choose someone who can offer you eternity with him, or do you choose someone who can offer you only life with him? It's a no-brainer for me. Eternity wins. And as far as dark skin goes, I'm definitely a bigger fan of some color, but Edward's attraction has almost nothing to do with his looks for me. I'm all about his personality, and Jacob's for that matter, too. I think Edward treats Bella more like a woman than Jacob does.
I remember reading Eclipse the first time and thinking, "Sheesh, Edward! Chill out! Let her do what she wants!" But then that quickly turned into, "Bella, stop hurting your man! You wanted him so badly when he was gone and now this is how you treat him? Drop the Jacob thing." But then Edward totally redeems himself at the end of Eclipse by giving her the freedom (and blessing, almost) to choose to be with Jacob, if that was her wish. What a man! I'm an Edward girl, all the way, but I really do see Jacob's appeal, especially when it comes to his hot skin and his non-marble lips. I don't see how it's any fun to kiss cold marble.
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