I'm offically anouncing I'm prego with twins. Most of my family knows this but for the rest of you, SURPRISE!!!! I get to get stretched to the max and gain a bunch of weight. No I'm kidding, we're very excited....still getting used to it though. Currently, everything looks good to go. I'll continue to have updates and pics of my growing belly on my blog. Please feel free to take a peak.
Just so you all know, I will be seeking advice through all of this and continue until after the kiddies are here. Be prepared!
congrats! that is super exciting and stressful all at the same time. April tells me you get awful migraines. if you need help in that department i'm here!
That is a crazy picture!
Whooo hooo again. I am so excited for your family. Two at one time, I am so envious! That is a crazy picture and she has to have more than two in there. Is Aaron excited or what?
We were both very nervous about the idea....especially me. But I've excepted that I can only do what I can do. I'm getting excited about the idea, but I have to admit, I'll be nervous until the day they arrive.
Holy Hannah! TWINS! How amazing! I'm giddy for you! And you'll do fine. Don't worry. One nice thing about twins is that their needs are so similar (not that I'm experienced here). But they'll eat the same things, drink the same things, wear the same sized diapers, be entertained by the same things, etc. That actually sounds appealing to me. Right now when I feed breakfast to my three kids, my oldest gets to eat cereal because she is proficient with a spoon, my middle kidlet eats finger foods (like scrambled eggs), and my youngest is breastfeeding. Just getting everyone fed is a complicated event at our house and it's annoying that I can't prepare one thing for everyone. Some days it feels like it would be easier if they were all the same age. So, when do you find out the genders? Are you hoping for girls, boys, or a girl and a boy?
Wow! That is so exciting! Congratulations! You'll do great. I don't mean to be disagreeable with Robyn, but twins can be SO different. They are definitely their own little individuals with their own tastes and preferences, but she's right about clothes and diapers and all that. You'll have so much fun and you're little girls be he great helpers. Best of luck with being prego.
We'll hopefully know the genders in about 4 weeks. I'm hoping for at least one boy, but two would be great. Then I have my two girls and my two boys, something I claimed to want before having kids.
I know it's going to be hard, but I don't really have a choice on the matter. We'll learn to deal with the craziness:-)
Whenever the idea of twins stresses you out watch an episode of Jon and Kate Plus Eight. They've got twins and sextuplets and the show stresses me out and helps me realize how easy I've got it with two. :) It'll be amazing, you guys will be amazing.
Wow! Congratulations. That is exciting!!
Steph, you have two girls already and you have been "doing it" with two girls already, you will do fine. Plus Coral and Sevrie will be a big help throwing diapers away or going and getting diapers and wipes and bottles. That would be super cool if they were two boys, identical would be fun too! I am so excited and jealous too. I wish I had twins the last time I got prego, then I wouldn't have to get all fat and nasty again. It has taken 16 months to get to a decent size, I am still working on 15 pounds that I don't like on me! It is worth it though, We would like another we just don't have the room in our little 2 bedroom 1 bath home. Also I want to be more financially stable to be able to stay home with my kids. It tears me up that I can't watch my little one in the day while I am at work!
You will do great!
Conrats! A little crazy, but I am sure so much fun. Plus two babies and one pregnancy. That would be great.
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