Kendall is a picky eater and it can be hard to get her to eat things besides cereal, string cheese, pancakes, and pb&j sandwiches. Unless it's junk and then it's never a problem. So lately I've been putting a tiny bit of sprinkles on top of things like yogurt and fruit and my word she will gobble it up.
Here's her lunch, grilled cheese and fresh pineapple. She was so excited to see sprinkles on the pineapple and she asked me to put some on her sandwich too. Nasty but whatever gets the job done.
She's such a princess I swear.
Holy cow Kirst, I have been doing that for my boys for the past few months for the same reasons. I also got a little shaker and put a little sugar and mostly cinnamon, so if they fight me with healthy breakfast (oatmeal, wheat toast, cherrios) I let "them" use the shaker for two shakes and they think it is so fancy.
I let her dip chicken nuggets and hot dogs into applesauce with baby food carrots and sweet potatoes. She used to eat veggies now she squishes them and then throws them. So, I put baby food carrots in applesauce and she dips everything! We are so sneaky!
That's awesome....I'm totally going to use sprinkles. However, I think Sevrie would just eat the sprinkles off and say, "O.K....I'm done!"
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