After seeing these pretzels made on Good Eats I decided it was something that Kendall and I could tackle during one of Gage's naps. I was really surprised at how yummy and easy they were. I gave Kendall a ball of dough to form at the end when I was rolling the rest into pretzels and she had so much fun. In the end she said hers was a dinosaur but it was just a big lump of small dough balls stuck together. I brushed hers with melted butter,
cinnamon, and sugar and did the rest like it says in the recipe. They were WAY good, soft and chewy.
Yummy!!!! Prezles are the one thing I craved as I was going through morning sickness. When I feel up to it, I'll def. try to make these. Any suggestions for cheese?
O.K.....those sausages in the pic with the pretzels look really gross.
I agree, they look yummy! Who eats gross looking sausages with pretzels?
When you're rolling them out with your hands, does it make your palms itch like crazy? Whenever I make them, I swear I'm not ever going to do it again because of how much they make me itch. But then they're too hot and delicious (especially dipped in cheese - or dipped in mustard for the dieters) that I make them again anyway, only to wish I could bite my hands off to stop the itching. Do you have that problem, Kirst?
No my hands weren't itchy, do you have an allergy to one of the ingredients? You could always wear gloves, that would drive me nuts.
I don't think I have an allergy, but it's like the friction just gets to me and my hands turn bright red and they itch like crazy. I guess I've always had kind of soft-fleshed, wussy hands, though. I'm not sure gloves would prevent the itching, since I think it's a friction thing, but they could possibly take the edge off. Would my pretzels taste like latex??? And I'm with you. Gloves drive me nuts!
Those look sooo yummy. I might have to try these today! I've been craving soft pretzels too.
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