Tuesday, May 20, 2008

72 hour kits

I've been slowly building up my food storage lately and want to make 72 hour kits also. I think it was Robyn who mentioned in another post about rotating your 72 hour kits during conference weekend and I'm so going to start doing that. It's a perfect time of year to change out winter clothes for warm weather clothes, or a bigger sized diaper or whatever. I'm going to get some backpacks to store everything in and keep them downstairs. I was thinking of making a duplicate set and keeping it in the car in case emergency strikes while we're not at home. Or if someone is stranded I'd be able to offer help in some way. I found a site that's got lots of great ideas and information and thought I'd post it on here in case anyone else was interested.



amber said...

I am totally obsessed with the whole foodstorage/preparedness stuff. I went to the cannery with Gram. B last week and they didn't have a lot of food there. Anyway, if you have any other web sites I would love them. One thing I just heard is to pack one old swim suit ( per/person) in the 72 hour kit in case there is only the option of public bathing. Maybe you already know that.

Kirsten said...

I've never heard that before but what I great idea. I liked the idea of packing a few comfort items and things to do for kids.

Thomas Family said...

I'm working on that lately too. Thanks for the resource!