Are we up for another round of discussion about Twilight? Any theories about what is going to happen in the last book, Breaking Dawn? Has everyone read the first chapter of Midnight Sun yet? And as a side note, is anyone planning on reading The Host?
So, I'll just comment on this myself because it's on my mind (and I currently have a mild obsession).
I have theories about what will happen in the next book. On StephenieMeyer.com, she answers some of her frequently asked questions about Eclipse. She clarifies that a werewolf is eligible to imprint on the person the first time he sees her after the first phase. If he sees someone after the first phase and doesn’t imprint then, that person is out: unimprintable (which isn’t a word). So Jacob will not imprint on anyone he’s seen since his first phase. It has to be someone new to Jacob. BUT there are a series of questions asked that Stephenie Meyer won’t answer because she doesn’t want to spoil Breaking Dawn. One of the questions is, “Can a werewolf imprint on a vampire?” I think that once Bella is changed, she will be new to Jacob and Jacob, the werewolf, will imprint on Bella, the vampire (whether or not Bella accepts the imprint). I think that since Jacob will want to be near Bella after he’s imprinted on her, and Bella will be a thirsty, newborn vampire, she will bite him (even though he’s stinky to her - she’s just too thirsty to resist). Then we will find out what happens when a vampire bites a werewolf (which is another question Stephenie Meyer won’t address). I think maybe the heat of the werewolf and the cold of the vampire will be incompatible or something and Jacob will die. Bella will realize the sacrifice she made when she chose to become a vampire because she will have killed her best friend. Morbid, I know. But she does compare her story to Romeo and Juliet, and we all know how that ended. And if Jacob is going to imprint on anybody, it would have to be somebody really great in order to satisfy the reader, and we don't have time to introduce a really great character that will satiate the reader in just one book. I just don't see how things can end well for Jacob.
Reading the first bit of Midnight Sun has been so beneficial to my re-readings of the Twilight Saga. Edward's words of caution take on a whole new light after reading his internal struggle with the forces of nature he has to overcome just to be near her. What I'm really looking forward to reading in Midnight Sun is what Edward sees in Bella. I know he wants to eat her, but besides that, what's so special about her. Maybe it's just me, but she drives me a little crazy.
I haven't made up my mind whether or not I'm interested in reading The Host. Part of me is really curious, and part of me says, "But there's no Edward, so why bother?" I think I will end up reading it, though, because it's gotten some really great reviews.
The special edition of Eclipse comes out at the end of this month and it has the first chapter of Breaking Dawn in the back of it (following the pattern of the previous books). I've already told Darrell that on that day, I'm going to spend some quality time at Barnes and Noble with just me and myself, reading that first chapter, and there will be no distractions (meaning the kids are his). It's written in pen on my calendar!
WHAT? I'm confused. Which is the next book to come out in the series? I thought one was coming out this month. I had better reserve it at the library. Bella totally annoys me too. What IS so special about her? And I'm sorry, but none of the movie people even come close to what I would expect them to look like. I would have liked a more muscular and handsome Edward and a prettier Rosalie. But of course I will see it anyway. I guess I should go on her website to figure out what is going on. I hadn't even heard of Midnight sun or breaking dawn, only the host.
I agree with you Tara. The cast isn't what I was expecting. I think Edward just isn't that cute, although I guess he is a little seductive. And Rosalie is suppose to be beautiful. Someone Angelina-like needs to play her. I think Bella was a good choice and I think Alice's charerecter is even more perfect. She is totally what I was expecting her to look like.
Ugh! You ladies make me realize that I am TOTALLY obsessed, and not just mildly obsessed like I thought I was. How pathetic I am.
The next novel in the "Twilight Saga" is Breaking Dawn. It comes out August 2, 2008. It's the end of the Bella/Edward story. However, Stephenie Meyer is also writing a book called Midnight Sun, which is Twilight (the first book), but from Edward's perspective. You can read the first chapter of Edward's perspective from her website. It's really, really fun. I don't think there's a release date yet for Midnight Sun.
The Host (not related to the Twilight Saga) comes out May 6th.
No no no, you're not the only totally obsessed. Trust. Here goes...
I don't think Jacob will imprint on Bella, at least I hope he won't. Imprinting is a way to find your perfect mate- someone you are made for- and Bella, especially vampira Bella, is not perfect for Jacob. He thinks she is, and I'm sure they would have been a happy couple in a non mythical creature world, but they're not. I do hope he imprints on someone though and I want it to be Angela. I don't have any good reasons for that other than I like her character and I think it'd be funny. And I don't think he's seen her yet but I'm not sure. I know he left graduation early but don't know if he left before she walked- Weber would be near the end- and I don't know if they met at the grad party. I can't check my books cause my mom borrowed them.
I hope Jacob doesn't die. It'd seem very unfair to his character. He already doesn't get the girl, he doesn't need to get killed off too.
I think the big conflict in the book might involve the Volturi since that's not resolved yet. I'm hoping it doesn't involve the werewolves, though, cause I don't want any of them to get hurt.
I LOATHE some of the choices for the movie. Especially Rosalie. As I've said before- there has GOT to be a hot blond girl trying to make it in Hollywood that would have been a better choice. Their pick isn't hot or blond like I think she should be. I'm fine with Edward and Bella I just hope they have crazy good chemistry cause that's huge in the books.
I'll probably read Host just cause I enjoy reading and am easily entertained. I cannot wait to read Breaking Dawn and Midnight Sun. I think the idea for Midnight sun is so cool and would be really challenging for an author.
A friend of mine has already planned a double date with us to see the movie in December. Dork it up Rob, you're not alone.
OK, I read the first chapter of Midnight sun and loved it! I wish that was coming out this month instead of host, but I do like the premise for host and will read it. I think the Jacob character in the movie is way better looking than the Edward character. Who is Angela? I think I need to reread the books because I was arguing with the Bishop's wife today about whether Edward and Bella get married at the end of Eclipse. Do they (Robyn)? Don't feel bad about being a nerd. I actually told someone today that I love books like other people love people. If that isn't the nerdiest thing ever said, I don't know what is. I saw this MTV clip where they were voting on what to called Twilight saga obsessed nerds and I don't remember what they decided, but one of the loser picks was "Twerds" which I think sounds perfect. I am proud to be a semi-twerd. I am totally going to reread the books this summer. Steph, I pictured Alice to have that kind of face, but to be more petite and less busty. I am soooooooo disappointed in the Rosalie pick. I think Clare from Lost would have made a good Rosalie. Speaking of LOST, how did you gals like all the Jack and Kate action? As my Jack obsessed friend Christie said when she called me last night after the episode ended, "YUUUUUUMMY!"
I love who they picked for Jacob in the movie. I think he's good looking, but more importantly, his personality is infectious, just like Jacob. I'm glad I'm not the only person to think that Alice is too busty. What's with people in Hollywood these days? Can they not get a job if they don't have a job? Sheesh! I'm pretty disappointed in Rosalie, too. Hopefully she can act. Funny thing. We just took the kids to the dollar theater to see Jumper and Kristen Stewart (Bella) was in the movie for like 15 seconds at the end. It was weird and I didn't see the point, but it was funny to see her.
Angela is Bella's tall, quiet friend. She kinda minds her own business, as opposed to Jessica who has to know all the gossip. And I guess I wouldn't be too disappointed to see Jacob imprint on Angela. That would mean she'd be in on the werewolf and vampire secrets, and she's kinda tight-lipped anyway, so it wouldn't be so hard for her to keep it quiet. And she's tall, so that would work for Jacob, too.
MTV picked Twilighters as the nickname, but Twi-hards was runner up. Bella and Edward don't get married at the end of Eclipse, but they're planning to. Jacob gets an invitation to the wedding, but we have yet to see if they get married or not. I think that Stephenie Meyer would become the most unpopular writer ever if she didn't give the readers what they want. They HAVE to get married. Her career depends on it.
I'm as nerdy as nerds get. I'm actually re-reading the Twilight Saga, but not chronologically. I actually have criticisms of the form/flow/pacing of the books, so I'm just reading some of my favorite scenes out of order. It's been really fun and I'm not so distracted by what I think are flaws in her writing. Because I really, really love the dialog and the emotional content, so I'm just skipping all the stuff I don't like. So, I haven't read the first three-fourths of New Moon because it just makes me cry. Stephenie Meyer's writing is just too poignant, which is a credit to her immense talent, but I just can't read it. I weep!
I've already read them all twice and Eclipse 3 times. And I'll read them again before the last one comes out. They're easy and fast reads. I like Twi-hards better.
I just lent my books again to a friend in the ward. I like lending them out because then I'm not tempted to read them. If they're here in the house, I stew about whether or not to pick one up and read just a *few* pages, which ends up to be a few hundred.
There has been a lot of speculation about what Bella's vampire super power is going to. I think it's fairly obvious that her mind will be impenetrable, but her human form also hints at a couple more powers, I think. She's always seems to be really intuitive. She senses people and what their motives are. Also, something I noticed that I thought was interesting, was that she hates the smell of blood. When she mentioned that to Edward, he commented that humans don't smell blood and he seemed perturbed by that. Maybe she'll be a vampire that doesn't like the smell or taste of blood? I don't know. But it's a weird thing to point out and it sort of raises suspicions, I think.
Well, i'm totally into this series too, and might I add that my husband appreciates it too! I think because the love story gets me all pasionate if you know what I mean :) He even listened to the series just to find out what was so great about Edward!! He didn't really like it like a girl b/c there wasn't enough action, but he says as long as it gets me more action it's a good book! SO, reading all this vampire talk has got me going again! I'm putting my baby down right now, I'm going to read the first chapter, check her website for all the character castings, and stay posted for my philosophy on what will happen next.
Britney... that is SO funny! I am the same way, and I have been for years! When we were a younger couple, John would come home from work and I'd be all "passionate" too, and he'd say, "Okay... what were you reading?" I don't know why anyone is embarrassed to be so into these books. If ANYONE should be embarrassed it's me! Hello? I'm 53 and I have a major crush on Edward! Luckily some time has passed since I read the books, because I couldn't stop thinking about him for days afterward! It was pathetic! I think the author is going to be at Thanksgiving Point soon. We should go, Kirst!
I SO get turned on by Edward.....and Aaron's knows it. I just can't explain the feeling I get. Well.....I guess I don't need to because apprently it makes you all feel the same way to. Aaron just thinks I'm silly but doesn't complain. Why would he? I'm getting my needs met (thanks to Stephanie Meyer) and he's getting his.
I'm so excited for the movie to come out but even more excited for Breaking Dawn to be released.
Hah Hah Hah . . . I'm guessing that everyone is glad about the no husbands allowed to read this blog rule. Hey, I think it is good and healthy for LDS and non-LDS women alike to have stuff that puts them in the mood without being graphic/explicit.
I think I may be the most obsessive out of you all! I read all three books in just 9 days. So needless to say there were a lot of late nights for me. I am so relieved that you all feel the same way that I do. I totally devoured Edward's character. I loved that there was intense emotion but it was sensual and not dirty! I think Bella is a twit and needs to be spanked. I think that the Midnight Sun perspective should be written in comparison to all 4 books. I would love to see more of Edward's perspective, who wouldn't? I have re-read them all yet however. I thought about it then bought The Host. I have only read the first Chapter so I am a little leary. I am glad my sister Robyn turned me onto these books. They are amazing and so much better than watching any television program.
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