Monday, May 26, 2008

Oh what do you do in the summertime....??

My oldest already has the summertime blues! What's that about? She LOVED school and now claims she is bored ALL the time, which means bugging me all day everyday for something to do. I've brought out all the kids games, I taught her how to knit on those looms, she's been cooking with me, she's exhausted her coloring books and she's sick of going to the park. I didn't know that was possible for a kid. I need some ideas. Indoor and outdoor. What are some fun, affordable things you do with your kids?


knitaholic310 said...

If she is bored she isn't doing enough chores. Honestly, kids today have too much entertainment and not enough work to do. If they do some work then they appreciate the fun stuff they do get to do. Here's my summer plan: I am going to try doing a little home school with my kids in the morning, followed by chores and then after that stuff is done we will do fun stuff like swimming, play dates, water fights, eating popsicles, going to the park, making treats, wii, watching tv, etc.,

I am not going to put up with my kids saying they are bored. That is the most annoying and ungrateful thing any kid can say. If one of my kids says it then I immediately assign them a chore. A friend of mine had her kids make a long list of stuff they enjoy doing. When they feel bored she tells them to find something to do on the list and if they can't then she assigns them a chore.

I am also doing a mother-daughter book club with my 7 year old and some of her friends and their moms. We are only going to pick one book a month so it isn't that much commitment.

How about a day camp? Maybe through the YMCA, they are usually affordable or your local recreation department. Why don't you have her earn some money and donate it to charity?

Or leave her to her own devices and stop jumping through hoops to entertain her, that isn't your job. She'll get creative if you don't come up with stuff for her to do. Above all, forbid her from saying she is bored.

Stephanie said...

I'm really into making bracelets right now so when Sevrie needs something to do, I have her make a bracelet for a friend who's birthday is coming up. She loves it. Painting or making cards are also good ideas for birthdays too. I love doing arts and crats so maybe you guys could go to the craft store and pick out a project for her to work on during the summer. How old is she anyway?

I can't believe she's sick of going to the park. If Sevrie had it her way, she'd live at the park or pool.

Maybe this is some sort of phase your daughter is going through. I'm sure she'll snap out of it. Who doesn't love summer anyway00????

Grammy A said...

You're funny, Tara.