I desperately need some tinfoil dinner recipes as I am going camping for real this weekend (gasp!) and do not have a dutch oven or a camp stove. Can you anyone with any good tin foil dinner recipes please post them? I am also going to Girl's Camp in a couple weeks and Girl Scout Camp in August, so I need them for then too. My goodness, my whole summer seems to be filled with camping and I haven't really camped since I was a senior in high school 12 years ago. I wish I had a Deseret Book Store nearby so I could buy these books: Young Women Outdoor Cooking and Roughing It Easy because they both look like they would contain the camping knowledge I lack. Thanks!!!!!
I don't know if you are going fishing but my husband does all the time. He brought back some Trout one day we wrapped it up in foil after we took all the bones out and took their scales off, then we cut them down the middle put some butter in them and some garlic and salt and cooked them on the barbecue- charcoal type-. IT was fabulous they were done just right. We have done this will chicken too at Pismo. We marinated each piece with Portuguese peppers, stuck them in foil and put them on the coals. It took a little longer, for the chicken but it was good, just be careful with the chicken.... Whatever you figure out will be great! You rock!
Lisa, that sounds great, but a little too advanced for me. I have never gutted a fish. Maybe some day. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
If you can dumpster dive you could so gut a fish. I make my husband do that part, I hate fish even though it is so healthy for you.
Here is another recipe that I have.
Hamburger patty
Favorite Seasoning
You have to go camping for this. You must have a campfire or stove. Take a piece of tin foil and lay it out in front of you. Take a piece of hamburger and lay it down on the tin foil. Take your veggies and surround your meat. Season with any seasoning. Add butter so not to stick. Set over campfire or stove to heat up your meal for about 30-45 min. or until meat is to likeing. Take off fire and be careful to not burn yourself. Last but certainly not least, enjoy!
I just had tin foil dinners last night and they were so yummy! My mom-in-law made them. She shreds the potatoes like hash browns and cuts the carrots in thin round slices. She diced onions really tiny and mixed them with the potatoes. Then broke the hamburger, chicken or hot dogs into pieces. She seasoned it all with salt and pepper and a little butter I think, but what made them really yummy was that she added about a Tbs. of cream of chicken soup to it all and then grated a touch of cheese on top. Yum. Also, she swears by baking them before-hand if possible. I agree. From my experience with tin-foil dinners, it is almost impossible to get the carrots and potatoes done without burning the meat. I know it kind of defeats the purpose of cooking on a campfire, but she pre-cooked them before we went up the mountain, then we warmed them up on the coals of the fire. Hope that's helpful.
My tin foil dinner recipe is basically the same as above. I just put in a hamburger pattie, potatoes, carrotts and onions sliced thin and add seasoning salt, garlic powder and pepper. My family loves them.
Tara, Aaron described a recipe similar to the one Lisa listed. He said it's the best. To quote him," Talk about a scout dinner."
There's one, I don't know it by heart, where you bake cinamon rolls in a hollowed out orange. Not dinner but might be worth a shot.
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