Aidan and Emma hadn't been roller skating since we lived in England a couple years ago when they had few weeks' worth of lessons. But they picked it up again pretty fast and popped right back up every time they fell down and even tried to do some tricks. The last time I skated was 10 years ago at Classic Skating in Orem, UT on disco night with Collin, April, Kirsten and Robyn. I remember Collin tripping and taking me down with him during a couples' skate. Instead of letting go as he fell, he tried to pull himself up hand over hand on my arm.
I had so much fun this time and didn't fall once even when my children were grabbing on to me. Roller skating was a really fun and nostalgic experience. I highly recommend it as a date or something to do with your kids.
Are there any fun things you used to do as a kid that you want your own children to experience?
I remember that Classic Skating adventure! And if my brain's not making things up, your hair made an amazing afro! And we went to the thrift shop and bought some disco clothes (and is that when Kirsten found that Charlie Brown shirt?). Good times. We had a skating rink right around the corner from us that we frequented as little girls and it was so fun. Lisa was an especially good skater, but by the time Kirsten and Katy moved next to us, inline skates were becoming the fashion. It wasn't ever as cool after that, but I still think we all had fun until it shut down.
The things I do with my kids don't seem to be things I did when I was little, but I think that's because of our location. Since we live next to the beach, we go there regularly, as well as to the aquarium. We also ride the carousel at the mall a lot, which I never did growing up (because we didn't have one). I would love to take my kids roller skating, but I don't even know if we have a rink where we live. And I guess we ought to get walking down before we try rolling. My kids are still so little (I have three, three years and under).
Ahh Golden Skate... I loved going there. We are going back to SR next week maybe I should take a trip down memory lane...
I grew up going to the skating rink. I had a couple birthday parties there too. Oh man, the memories it brings back. I can't wait until my kids are a little older so I can take them there. I still think Sevrie is too young though so I'll have to wait a couple years.
We do things like go to the Zoo, Fairytale Town, Train Museum, park, and pool. Sacramento has so many things for family's to do. All of which are in close proximity. Sevrie just loves being outside though. I'm know her favorite thing to do is def. swimming. She could swim all day. Fortunately we have a community pool with a kiddy pool so it makes it manageable with both kids. Coral loves it too, and I like it because I get a tan while staying cool.
We also do playdates. Sevrie has the neighborhood girls who come over regularly. It's nice because I get to clean while the girls play. They keep themselves occupied.
I used to go skating A LOT when I was in High School! It was SO fun! It was a great way to exercise and pick up guys! Tara, you forgot to mention the old guy who was trying to pick me up when we went 10 years ago, AND the old guy who was "giving you the eye" when you went with Aidan and Emma! If I went again, I'd want to go with a bunch of people... safety in numbers. Not just that, but I'd need someone to pick me up or drag me along. I'M PRACTICALLY 54 FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!
I don't know how my kids feel, but I thought we had a lot of fun playing games at night with all the kids in the neighborhood. We had lots of neighborhood games of sardines and hide-and-seek. I don't think every parent was like me and actually enjoyed playing those things, though. Katy and Kirsten... do you remember Sandy Mobley playing with us, too? I think it's fun to get neighborhood ball games going, too. It's all fun. It's old-fashioned, it's good exercise, and it's just a chance to feel involved with the people that are your neighbors!
I do remember. I remember hiding with her once and it smelled bad and we figured out that she had dog poop either on her shoe or inside it. Those night games were a lot of fun.
Christmas soccer games on the other hand? Not so much. :)
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