Monday, May 12, 2008

Sleeping Advice

I know I haven't commented or posted anything in a long time (and i'm going to be better about that) but I need some advice to you super mothers out there. I thought I had an angel as a daughter. She is about 23 months old and went down for the night really well. I would read her a book and say prayers with her, put her in bed and she would say " bye" and I could close the door and she would fall right to sleep. For the past couple nights it's been the total opposite. I try to put her PJs on - screams the whole time. I try to read a book and the same thing happens. I'm constantly fighting her to get into bed. She takes a good hour and forty-five minute naps every day but I feel like she is always tried. I try to get her in bed by 7 or 7:30 but I believe she could go to bed a 6 when she acts this way. Have any of you had this problem or something similar to this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Stephanie said...

Gosh.....I wish I had some advice for you. My 4 yr. old daughter still needs me to stay with her until she falls asleep. Then anywhere between 12-3 am, she comes in bed with us. Did I mention she still sucks a pacifier to get to sleep?

I really can't complain because it's our fault she's so dependent on me. I created her dependence by not encouraging self soothing when she was young.

In your case, I think your daughter may be going through a phase. My daughter is the same age and she occasionally fights me to go to bed. And it usually lasts a couple days then gets back to normal. This happens of and on too. She def. fights me to put her clothes and diaper on after bath, and insists on holding the books when we're reading at night.

I really think that this is the beginning of the "Terrible Two's" stage. It gets so frustrating, I know. But I just stay with the routine and go with it. Good luck and hang in there! Like all things, this will soon pass.

amber said...

There could be lots of reasons why your daughter is doing this now. She could be going through a growing period and she needs more food and more sleep (during the day). I think she is just testing you. She is old enough to wonder what would happen if she "raged-against-the-machine", would she get what she wants? You have to remain consistant, don't give in. If you change things to figure a way to accommodate her, she will just fight you again. I'm sad to say it might just be a battle of "wills", who's is stronger. Make sure she is comfortable in her room (that she not scared of something) and that she is physically ok (no ear aches, painful diaper rash) and when you want her to go to bed, put her down. She will cry, but she is just testing you. It's a phase and won't last forever. That's just my opinion ( I have a five and a three year old.)

Thomas Family said...

I have to agree with Amber. It seems like every time my kids did that they would be going through a growing phase or just a battle of wills. They got over it in a week or two. Hopefully it will be the same for you! Best of luck.

D and J Larson said...

thanks ladies tonight was a lot better than the last couple so hopefully it's just a phase that we both have to get through.