Here's a little treat for those who are "
slightly interested" in Twilight. The last posts about the books mentioned the movie that is being made. I know some of you are "
kind of " excited to see it. So, here is the official movie poster and movie trailer that came out yesterday.
YEY!!!!! Thanks Amber! I hope the movie doesn't totally disappoint. I'll see it anyway though. I love the books and movies are never as good.
I knew you would be "interested". I only read the first book and thought it was funny, I want to see if the movie makes me laugh too. And I want to see if the "movie Bella" is just as annoying.
Whew! I just got chills! Thanks for sharing!!
Hmmm...I gotta say, I wasn't thrilled with the casting for Edward, but it sure seems like he has good on screen chemistry with Bella! That gave me goosebumps! I can't wait, even thought I know it will be disappointing. How pathetic is that?
Wow, I was worried that a movie might not do the book justice, but so far so good! I'm impressed & I got chills too. I'm totally excited for the movie. Too bad we have to wait sooo lOng. Ahhgg!
Sell out....
I'm not ashamed to admit I'm a Twilight fanatic and I SO can't wait for the movie. Believe it or not, I was impressed by what little I saw of Edward and Bella. I thought they did a good job. Oh the memories (and feelings) it brings back!!! I love you Edward!
Eh. Still not a fan of the Edward they chose. He just doesn't have the hotness (or coolness? since Edward is supposed to feel like a cold marble statue). But Bella is a good choice I think.
I agree... I was disappointed at first with the choice of Edward, but I realize that probably NOBODY would be good enough to portray him. The important thing is that he and Bella have chemistry, and it looks like they do. So you thought Twilight was funny, Amber? THAT'S funny! You are probably one of the few who wasn't hooked. I (like most of the woman and girls I know) fell for the books, fell for Edward, and relished every juicy, exciting, heart-pounding minute of my reading! I was SO disappointed when I finished the third book and my experience was over. I thought about the books, and Edward in particular... FOR DAYS!
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