Has anyone read it yet? I've heard it's good and I want to check it out from the library but there's a waiting list. (Springville library is dinky) So I wanted to see if anyone thought it was good enough to buy.
I bought it and started it the other day. I will let you know what I think when I am done. I am nervous that my expectations are too high. Coming off the Twilight series, I feel like I will be comparing, even though they are completely different. Oh, well.
I bought it, but haven't read it yet. I think I am going to start tonight. I have heard good reviews though. If you don't want to wait Costco has it for nearly half off.
I finished it last week. It was pretty good. I don't know that it is good enough to buy. I spent like $25 and don't feel it was worth quite that. But if you can get it at Costco for cheap then maybe go for it. It was definitely sci-fi, not fantasy like Twilight, but don't let that stop you from reading it. It is worth reading for sure. If I had to do it again I might wait to get it from the library.
My husband bought it for me for Mother's Day, but I'm currently reading The Alienist by Caleb Carr, and as soon as I'm finished, I'll pick up The Host. My husband's brother-in-law read it and according to my mother-in-law, he thought it was AMAZING! I've only heard good things about it, so I'm looking forward to reading it. I'm sure it won't have that addictive quality Twilight has, which is probably a good thing for me!
Okay, Kirsten. I read it. I really, really liked it, and I'm making my husband read it so I can discuss it with someone (although I don't really have to twist his arm because he liked reading the Twilight Saga, so I know he'll like this more, since ever page doesn't have a description about Edward's beauty, blah, blah, blah). I liked how certain characters unexpectedly, yet organically grew into prominence. I liked the pickle of the whole story. I really liked the form and flow of this book better than Twilight. This book is written better, in my opinion. I loved it. I would read it again. I finished it yesterday and I'm still thinking about it (like April said she did about Twilight), even though I've moved on to reading Interview With A Vampire. It's a great novel. I have some criticisms, too, but I always do. If you read it sometime, I'd love to pick your brain about what you thought.
I read it to, but I didn't like it as well as the Twilight series. I think the beginning confused me a bit, which isn't difficult to do. It didn't have a yummy character like Edward. I wasn't as obsessed with reading this one. It was well written the plot and climax were good. The males were not as thoroughly described which apparently I like. I give it 4 out of 5 stars!
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