I think this is the first season of American Idol that I am following carefully. Maybe because there are two contestants that we think are Mormon. Does anyone know whether that's true or not? Anyway, Justin really likes Brooke White.

She's one of my favorites, but there are a couple of good guys too. Any other fans out there?
Yeah this is the first season I've really watched too. Brooke and David A. are both mormon for sure. I like them both and the Cook guy. I really liked his Billy Jean version, I think he's very creative. I think they're all pretty good this year, though. I think we mainly got into it because of the writer strike and there being nothing else good on tv.
Hello.......I am THE American Idol fan. I have a couple favorites, one of them being Brook White. Not because she might be Mormon (Like April) but because I like her style and voice. I tend to look just a voice and acoustics. I also like David Cook. I really think he might just when the whole kitten caboodle.
David A. doesn't impress me as much anymore. He def. needs to up his game. Like Brooke, I also like dread lock dude because of his style, and I like the way his voice sounds alone with the guitar.
Ramiel needs to go. I'm not a big fan. I think she may be in it for awhile because she has Hawaii's votes.
Christie Lee Cook should also go. I know she's pretty and all but vocally she doesn't compare to the other contestants.
Did I say I'm a big fan???
Hey Lisa.....why haven't you done an introduction? I wasn't even aware you were part of this blog. Welcome!!!
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