The pink one's Ken's and the blue one is Gage's.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Kid journals
I've kept a journal since sixth grade. I got a pink Hello Kitty diary for my 12th birthday from some girl I can't remember and it stuck. I love how therapeutic it is and how interesting it is to go back and read about my life. I'm not good at scrap booking and I'm not great at filling in baby books but I do have practice with keeping a journal. So for this last Christmas I got Kendall and Gage each a journal. They do and say such cute things and while I don't want to forget them, I know that if I don't record things, they'll FOR SURE not remember anything. So when I can I write what's going on or if something special has happened I'll write about it and maybe add a picture. It will be my gift to them when they're grown so they can read their own stories. From my sentimental perspective of course. Just wanted to share the idea in case it's something that would work for someone else.
The pink one's Ken's and the blue one is Gage's.

The pink one's Ken's and the blue one is Gage's.
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This is one of the best ideas ever! I've been trying to so something similar. Yours are so cute and your kids will appreciate them SO much one day. Not to mention the enjoyment you'll have looking back on their younger years! I actually stayed up till 3 am the other night reading an old journal of mine. I totally agree with you about them being so fun to read. I couldn't put it down!
I've been keeping a journal for Ollie and Lily for over a year now. Just the other night I was thinking that it will be fun for them to read the journals some day and hopefully it will give them an idea of how much I have enjoyed watching them grow up and how much I love them.
what a great idea!
That's so awesome Kirst. Your kids will thank you so much some day. I scrapbook, but I don't write down all the funny and cute things they do. Shame on me! I need to start!
I think that is such a great idea. My kids all have baby books...but half the things in it never get filled out and as I have had more kids my youngest doesn't have near the stuff that my oldest has in her book. But I like your idea. I think I will start that.
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