So I made the blender wheat pancakes for the kids and they had trouble eating just one. It could have been that they just weren't hungry or the fake syrup (Collin likes fake, I like real), but it took 1 hour to eat one. Then I had a flash of early American inspiration and decided to turn them into stacked pancakes from Laura Ingalls Wilder's book Farmer Boy,
"Ten pancakes cooked on the smoking griddle, and as fast as they were done Mother added another cake to each stack and buttered it lavishly and covered it with maple sugar. Butter and sugar melted together and dripped all down their crisp edges. That was stacked pancakes. Almanzo liked them better than any other kind of pancakes."
Instead of cooking the pancakes in butter on a hot skillet, I just left the skillet dry. Instead of 10 pancakes stacked up, I did three. If you have extra pancakes left over, make stacked pancakes the next day in the microwave by layering pancake, butter, brown sugar three times and zapping in the microwave for about 15-20 seconds. Ian, Aidan and I love them. Collin hates butter or else he would love them too.
Man if I wasn't on a diet I'd be all over that. Kendall will eat anything with sugar on it so I'm sure she would LOVE this.
Collin hates butter? I've never heard of such a thing.
I know! He knows that it is in stuff that he likes to eat like cookies, but he just pretends it is not there and doesn't spread it on stuff. I guess he doesn't like it in its true form, only mixed into stuff where he can't taste it. But Ian and I ate these again today so I think that is about 4 days in a row counting today. If you try to make it without the butter, the brown sugar doesn't melt so you have hot pancakes with grainy brown sugar in between.
I dreamt about these pancakes! In my dream they were delicious. :)
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