Hello all! I am Chelsea Hoopes and I am excited to get some advice and input from other moms, because heaven knows I need it.
Intro: Not related to Katy in anyway, but think the world of her and her family. I was born and raised in Provo and still live here now. I gradutated from BYU and met my husband there also. We have two kiddies-Jesse 3 and Faith 2 in March. I play house pretty much all day, everyday, but I also love to play outside, read, snow ski, play on the internet, ride motorcycles, go on vacation and have recently explored photography (glad to see others have too, so maybe I can learn some more). My husband is from the bay area, works in real estate and likes anything with wheels. The kids think he is a superstar and I pretty much do too. Jesse is a clone of his dad and is extremely passionate about anything with wheels, but monster trucks are his favorite. Faith loves to talk, tease her brother and crack jokes. She is very into being pretty, but won't let me her give any input or pull her hair out of her face.
Well this is us in a nutshell--more at chelseahoopes.blogspot.com. (if it's still blocked, email me chelseahoopes@mac.com and I will send an invite:) I am excited to join the group.
Chelsea... where was that picture taken? It looks SO pretty!
What a good looking family you have. Lily won't let me do anything with her hair so it always falls straight in her face. Hopefully some day she'll let me doll her up.
what part of the bay area is your husband from? I am from Alamo which is in between Danville and Walnut Creek.
April--We are infront of Donner Lake. Every other year we have a Hoopes Reunion there. And yes it is beautiful.
And Ben is from Moraga--so minutes away right?
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