I have a two daughters, Sevrie and Coral. Sevrie will be four in March and Coral will be two in June. And yes, they're bald beauties! I wouldn't have it any other way. O.K., yes I would:-) Sevrie is my tomboy in a princess dress and Coral is my baby in boots. She has this pair of boots she wants to wear ALL the time. I love spending time with them: going on walks, going to the park, and reading them books. Both girls are very active so we are constantly going on adventures so they can release all their energy.
In my free time (which doesn't really exist) I like to cook/bake and do arts and crafts. Though I like to scrapbook, sometimes it's just too intimidating. I have Sevrie's first year done, and have yet to start Corals. Typical second child syndrome, huh? My husband is finishing his last year of law school. HORRAY!!!!!!! He'll be done in May and I couldn't be happier. He plans on practicing patent law, but I think he's yet to decide for sure. He has been so busy with work and school so we look forward to his school end. All-in-all, I'm happy to be a part of this blog. Thank you, Katy, for inviting me. I'm probably the only non-Mormon gal of our group. Don't be fooled though, I could easily be mistaken for a "Molly".
My sweet princesses

Cute picture. You and your bald babies are adorable.
I think bald is beautiful!! We're actually taking Gage in to get a hair cut in the next week or two and I'm dreading it! I wish he was bald, it'd be easier for sure.
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