Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bag Tag

I came across a friend's blog and for one of her posts she had been "bag tagged." So she had to take a picture of her bag and its contents and list everything in it. It was funny, so I checked out a couple of the girl's blogs that she then bag tagged. I probably saw 3 or 4 bags and it was obvious (because all of their bags were little and super cute with only a few essential items-phone, wallet, lipstick...) that none of those ladies have kids. I thought it would be much more amusing to see what kinds of things we moms fill our bags with. Here's my diaper bag that I've been using for about 3 years now. I was going to remove the items that don't belong before I took the picture, but I decided to give you guys a true idea of what my bag usually looks like, so I included everything that was in my bag at that moment. Luckily, there was nothing too embarrassing.

my planner
coin purse
cell phone
gym pass
picture book
library pamphlet
a pair of Ollie's socks
a rock
a marble
Ollie's toothbrush
pile of gum and candy wrappers and other trash
one of those paper clip things
antibiotics that I never finished

So for anyone who wants to share the secret contents of their bag, I (diaper)bag tag you.

It's a good excuse to clean your bag out too:)


Kirsten said...

That's so funny because I JUST cleaned out my bag yesterday. I had to take it outside and shake all the loose cheerios out. Mine's pretty big and I fill it up with junk on a regular basis. Right now it's only got what I mean it to have which is...

a couple diapers
wallet with keys
a couple bandaids
sanitizer AND sanitizing lotion
a couple jars of babyfood
a few graham crackers
a couple granola bars
a protien bar
2 water bottles
a reusable bag
vaccination card for Gage
A princess book
A toy car

That's a lot. Oh well, there's normally more random stuff and trash so at least it's only stuff that I want now.

Mical said...

How funny, I guess I will participate too! BTW, I made your Turkey meatloaf last night for dinner and it was really kids even ate it! I was shocked!

Grammy A said...

Katy... I LOVE the rock and marble!

Kirsten said...

Yeah the rock was my favorite too!

Katy said...

Can you guess who put the rock in there? Ollie brought it home from school a few days ago and it somehow ended up in my bag.

D and J Larson said...
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