I have been sentenced to life at the gym...ugh! (by me of course) So, I have FINALLY decided (begrudgingly) that I need to get my LARD-A back to the gym. Lets just say if I put up a picture of me 7 years ago and me today, you would think that you were looking at two very different people. So now that our family is officially complete and my baby has just hit the 6 month mark, I have decided that I have no more excuses. I usually like to work out...when I am in shape of course, hyperventilating after 5 minutes on the treadmill is not fun for me. So I wanted to ask you guys if you have any dieting or working out tips or secrets, healthy snack tips, etc. I know that I have to commit to this 100% or it's never going to work!
For me, working out in the morning is best.....or else I'll be less likely to do it. I think after you go a couple times, you'll be in work out mode and it'll be easier than you think. Let's face it, being healthy is work, but the benefits are great.
I agree with Stephanie about working out in the morning. I am WAY more likely to do it if I just get it over with early! Then all day long I think, "Yay... I've already worked out!" You won't always be able to go in the morning though, and you just need to make up your mind that you'll do it when you can that day. Kirsten and I always say, "It just has to be part of your routine... like brushing your teeth." I REALLY believe in the smaller meals several times a day... and make your food the good stuff. I've been recently diagnosed with reflux, so I was forced to change my eating habits. I try to eat small meals throughout the day. I eat lean protein, only whole grains, lots of fruits and veggies, lowfat everything... and I don't eat past 6:30. I lost about 8-9 pounds in as many weeks! When I'm feeling like I'm hungry and I need a snack, I eat light string cheese, a handful of raw walnuts, or some healthy yogurt. Eat a yogurt that is natural without a bunch of fillers. Raw nuts are high in fat, but they are the GOOD fats! Plus, they satiate you, so you don't feel hungry. I think the hardest part of dieting is feeling hungry, so you need to choose carefully what you eat. Eat things that are healthy, and will keep you feeling satisfied. Good luck! I know you can do it!
I am trying to get back into the workout routine also. I just downloaded a bunch of episodes of NCIS (that's one of our favorite shows right now) onto my ipod. My plan is to watch them while I do cardio at the gym. It seems like the time passes quicker when I'm distracted with something like that. Did you join a gym? We're thinking about joining 24 hr. Fitness. One of my favorite snacks is apple slices and natural peanut butter. You might already shop there, but Trader Joe's has lots of health food stuff and they have good prices.
Thanks everyone! April, reflux?! Not fun! My little 6 mo. old has it right now and just was switched to prevacid but it still isn't working...ugh! What a battle. Thanks for the nutrition help. I am really motivated this time so I will have to keep everyone posted. Katy, I have a membership to Golds. I have had the same one for like 6 years. I don't neccesarily love it there, but we renew yearly for only $99 each, so it's so cheap I don't want to go anywhere else. It's also close, plus I figure if I drop Caden and Maddi off to school, I can go straight from there and only have to drag 2 kids instead of 4. That's always a plus!!
Mical, keep a food journal! I think it really makes a different. You are less likely to eat junk if you have to write it down. Some of my friends here started a biggest loser-like competition. It worked for awhile because we had to report each week how much weight we lost. It kind of fizzled out over the holidays and most of us gained the weight back. I hurt my back so I had to drop out. Before I dropped out I lost three pounds though in about 6 weeks which is a healthy amount (1/2 pound a week). Set yourself some realistic goals or you might get frustrated. I know how you feel, it is hard to get back into exercising when you haven't done it in awhile. Right now I am shoveling snow and doing housework as my only exercise, but I guess it is better than nothing. I agree with April about the nuts. In fact I ate some combined nuts and berries from Trader Joe's along with a banana for breakfast and I didn't feel hungry until after lunch time. Also, when I am trying to lose weight I drink tons of water. Also, take it slow with how you work out. I tend to overdo it when I am starting up again and then I am so sore after that it is hard to make myself do it again. What kind of exercise do you do? If you run, start out walking and gradually build up to a jog, then run. Only do it for 20 minutes each day, but make it a little harder each time to acclimate your body slowly. That way you will be less prone to injury and it will seem more manageable. I am going to try to do the local triathlon in August so I need to get my butt in gear as well. Good luck!
Tara, I like the combined nuts and banana idea for breakfast. I am running so crazy trying to get my kids to school in the morning that alot of times I don't get to eat breakfast until I am back which is about 8:45, when I have been up since 6:30...so I am starving. I think the food journal is a very good idea. We have a biggest loser club in our ward as well. I have never been able to meet because its on a night that isn't good for me, but it sounds really fun. I do get her weekly email which is so neat. She has done SO MUCH research and has so much good info. She even gave us a formula a couple weeks ago to calculate exactly how many calories our bodies need to sustain our current weight, that way you can figure what you need to consume to lose. Maybe I will have to post that on here.
I am very interested in that last part! Please post that calculation.
If you can afford it at all I HIGHLY recommend a personal trainer. You will get such a better work out when you are pushing yourself for someone else. If you have a friend or two that will go in on it with you, most trainers will do up to three people at a time then you split the cost(which is about $45 hourly) between all of you. You're more likely to keep up with it if you have committed to someone else. Good luck!
I have done the personal trainer route and would definatley do it again in a heartbeat...but that was a few kids ago and we don't have the $ to go their right now. I think last time I had her for about 4 months, about and hour a day, 5 days a week and we paid her $2500. She made me do things I would have never done otherwise. Although I wasn't back in a size 6, I was in the best shape I think I have probably ever been in my life. DEFINATLEY was worth every penny!
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