Friday, February 29, 2008

Bag Lady Mach 5

My bag is small but also has a Mary Poppinsesque quality. I was amazed to not find a rock or marble, evil doll in progress or matchbox car. I also did not have tampons or extra underwear for Ian, which I should. 

Here's what I did have:

size 6 knitting needles
knitwise superswish yarn in taupe
measuring tape, the book At Knit's End
Meditations for Women who KNIT TOO MUCH by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee the Yarn Harlot
small mirror
hand sanitizer 
Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm 
Burt's Bees Hand Salve
Aveda Hand Relief lotion
American Girl lip shine (it belongs to Emma)
mentha lip tint
pack of Kleenex
bag of roasted almonds
change purse containing prescription and medical cards
eraser (but curiously NO pencil)
SpongeBob bandaid
various wrappers, receipts, scraps of paper and coupons
watermelon frost throat lozenges (they are Chinese and taste like mold, but they work)
a burnt out light bulb
two pens
Girl Scout cookie money


Kirsten said...

I love the random things people have in their bags. A burnt out light bulb? That's awesome, just like Katy's rock.

D and J Larson said...

I love burt bees!

Grammy A said...

Obviously I don't have a diaper bag anymore, but I have LOVED looking at and reading everyone's contents. It has been pretty funny. Back in the "old" days, my contents would have been different. I feel like Dana Carvey as the Grumpy Old Man..."Back in my day..." I wouldn't have had a cell phone, planner, lip gloss, or calculator. Cell phones weren't invented... the calculator was around (barely--and not in widespread use), and we couldn't afford disposable diapers and wipes. I would have had a couple of toys, cheerios (fruit snacks weren't invented either), A & D ointment (maybe it doubled for diaper rash AND lip gloss), a couple of books, a bib, a change of baby clothes, and cloth training pants. Don't forget... we didn't even use car seats back then! You guys used to just rattle around in the car, stand up on the seats, and lay in the back window! It makes me laugh to think about it because I'd NEVER do that with my own grandchildren! Luckily we all survived!