I woke up Sunday morning to the sound of my kids in the kitchen rattling stuff around. I went back to sleep because I assumed they were pouring themselves bowls of cereal. Then I heard our bedroom door creak open and Emma said, "Close you eyes OK?" We closed our eyes and waited and then all three kids came into the room and said, "Surprise, we made you breakfast in bed!" Emma had taped the sign to the left on the inside of our door (she meant 'holy' because it is Sunday). I was presented with a glass of water and some Harvest crisp crackers with peanut butter. Collin had a peanut butter and banana sandwich on thick sliced bread.
It was Aidan's idea, but Emma and Ian helped. Emma got her Brownie pin this week and her GS leader pinned it on her vest upside down. The GS leaders told the girls they could do three good turns (chores, being kind, helping, etc.,) and then they could wear it right side up. After bringing us breakfast in bed, Emma said, "I think I can give my Brownie pin it's last turn and wear it the right way."
Have your kids done anything sweet for you guys lately? Most of them are probably too young, I think I have the oldest kids on this blog besides April.
I hope you enjoyed your PB crackers :) We had a babysitter last night so ryan and I could go out and when we got home and went up to bed, each had a note on our pillow from Maddi. She always leaves me notes around the house with little gifts (usually little toys from her room) wrapped in
tin foil. She is very sweet that way.
Aww, how cute are your kids? That's so sweet, I can't wait til my kids are older and think to do things like that. Right now I'm satisfied with the sweet hugs and kisses they offer when I'm not expecting it.
I love that they made you breakfast... and I LOVE the picture! The nice thing is... my sweet kids STILL write me notes and draw me pictures! Okay... everyone writes me notes, but Collin is pretty much the only one who draws me pictures. Whether I'm 53 or 103... I will always enjoy "love" notes from my babies!
To clarify my last comment... ALL my grandchildren draw me pictures (which I have collected in a binder), but Collin is my only CHILD that draws me pictures.
MIcal, that is so precious! I love the tin foil wrapping paper.
Though my girls are too young for breakfast in bed and love notes, Sevrie will compliment me and say, "Mommy, you're beautiful", or "Mommy your hair looks beautiful." She says it in such an endearing voice. I love it.
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