What do I do about my snoring husband? The only reason I ask this now is because he's gone to sleep before me. This usually never happens, I'm always asleep before him. I guess I'm a light sleeper though I've never considered my self to be one. If I go to sleep before him, I'm usually o.k. If I get woken up by one of my girls, and he's on our bed snoring, I won't be able to go back to sleep. Too many times I'm nudged him, tickled him, or woken him up and asked him to leave and sleep in another room (how sad, huh?). If you knew our situation, you'd know why I can't be the one to switch beds. To keep it simple, my daughter wouldn't have me sleeping in another bed unless she was with me. Unfortunately, she sleeps with us for the majority on the night. We're working on that. But that's not my problem. My problem is I can't sleep through my husbands snoring.
Are there any remedies for snoring?
I SOOOO feel your pain! It's no good. My recent action has been to use ear plugs. I hate to do it because I want to be able to hear if one of the kids wakes up or whatever, but there gets a point where you just HAVE to get some sleep. So I warn him when I am putting ear plugs in and tell him he will be responsible for any waking children. It's worked so far. I usually pull them out in the middle of the night and sleep the rest with no problem and I have been a whole lot less grumpy since my sleeping has been less interrupted.
You might be able to get your honey to try those Breathe Right strips or even try allergy medicine. A lot of times that causes snoring. My husband has been snoring less since he started losing weight. I think there are a lot of little things to try. Oh- I think there is even this spray they use in the back of their throat that supposedly helps, but we haven't tried it. Good luck! Hope I gave you a few ideas.
Thanks for your ideas! HE'S even said he snores because he needs to lose weight. The wierd thing is, though he does need to loose weight (he'll be the first to admilt it), he's not heavy. He hasn't always been this bad of a snorer, so either it's the weight gain, or an allergy thing. I'll try those breath right things and the nose spray. Poor guy!
Aaron also ought to see an ENT (ear, nose and throat) doc sometime. John snored for almost 30 years before he finally got it fixed! In John's case, he had a severely deviated septum from breaking his nose in a football (or soccer game when he was 15). After he had the surgery, he wondered why he didn't do it YEARS ago! Sleeptime has dramatically improved for BOTH of us since! Weight loss definitely helps, but there could also be something going on inside his sinuses. Also... John had polyps in his sinuses. I would imagine that could contribute to snoring, too. Anyway... I feel for everyone who's husband snores, but I feel sorry for the hubbies, too. I don't think they always get the best sleep in the world, either.
I have the same problem, but no solution. I nudge Collin, but it only makes him stop for a little while. I am usually the one who goes and sleeps with Aidan (he has a queen-size bed).
Tara is sorely mistaken (aka lying!), I never snore (well, hardly ever).
It's funny about this blog. Especially concerning husbands. I know for a fact that Aaron, John (my husband) and now Collin are reading this blog, and DON'T like the fact that they are being talked about! I haven't said anything negative about John (that I remember), but he doesn't like being talked about... PERIOD! Our conversation about the purpose of a blog was interesting, to say the least.
What did you tell him the purpose of this blog was?
I told Collin he could start his own blog with Aaron and John and I asked what they would blog about. He said soccer, politics and work stuff. That sounds boring to me, but I think a guy blog would be good. I think I only put good stuff about Collin on here.
Yeah, I was thinking we should tell them to start their own blog. Nobody has said anything negative about a spouse, but I think we're saying stuff that we may not want other people's husbands reading (like Stephanie talking about cooking in a nightie).
So, in other words, tell the men this blog is for moms' eyes only.
I agree. This should be just for our eyes only. Not that we have anything to hide, but out of respect for the other ladies.
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